I've been tagged to list five of my favorite literary quotes. This is not easy since I love reading all kinds of books and I had a really hard time narrowing them down but here goes:
1. "Wealth is not the same as income. If you make a good income each year and spend it all, you are not getting wealthier. You are just living high. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend."
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley Ph.D, and William D. Danko, Ph.D.
2. "Is there a single person on whom I can press belief? No sir. All I can do is say, Here's how it went. Here's what I saw. I've been there and am going back. Make of it what you will."
Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
3. "All our work and money and it's just away like that? To stand forty years empty, and then go in a flicker of an eyelid! Just when we had it fixed up." The aunt in her shop, sniveling into a tissue. A silence. "What about the outhouse?"
He could hardly believe what he heard. The house gone and she asked about the crapper.
The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx
4. "In our television age, when pictures without context immediately influence our emotions, when cause and effect are deemed irrelevant, when only suffering is important, human sympathy and a deep desire for peace can turn into a weapon of tyranny."
The Case for Democracy by Natan Sharansky
5. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
The Holy Bible
great quotes. you can use the friday post any time, they are fun.
Vicki, Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate the encouragement.
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