Thursday, October 15, 2009

Catching Up!

I haven't written since spring time. Wow!! So much has happened since then. I've been very busy with everyday life.

If I had any regular readers they've probably long ago given up on me. I do have a few new pictures to share. My husband bought me a horse about two months ago. What a great surprise! He did a great job and picked a real sweetie pie!

I haven't ridden seriously in almost 20 years. I've started lessons (Hunter) and am re-learning everything. It's a great challenge but it's also great fun.

Here are some pictures of Tucker. He is a 14.1 hand Paint gelding. I'll try to post more soon.


Unknown said...

I was just browsing through different blogs and ran across yours. Read several of your posts and they made me smile...just wanted to let you know!


Made_Moselle said...

Wow! What a beautiful horse! I just ran into your blog and it is very good! I really enjoyed the horse pictures :)

May I help you?

Super Man and I at Jamestown Island
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Our 2 Giant Schnauzers and our Mini Schnauzer (Smokie) hanging out in my office. Notice Smokie rules over the big ones.